
Thursday, February 24

Things from my Google Reader: Feb-11 Edition

Hopefully, Our Man will have more productive things to say in the upcoming weeks but until then…here’s some things from my google reader!  As usual, I’ve put the finance ones at the top and the non-finance (more interesting?) ones at the bottom.

- What Hoenig said…
I don’t always agree with KC Fed President Thomas Hoenig (who deserves great credit as the only one to actually dissent on Fed policy votes over the last year) but he's always interesting to listen to.  Now that he can longer vote, he’s not been shy about criticizing the Fed and the Administration (with truisms such as “it is ironic that in the name of preserving free market capitalism in this country, we have undermined it so deeply.”)  The entire speech is worth a read, but for those after just the interesting bits, the Pragmatic Capitalist has culled them for you. 

- When Irish Eyes are Crying
Michael Lewis continues his worldwide tour of collapsing sovereigns with a visit to Ireland.  If you’ve seen this movie before, it's because the tale is not dissimilar to that of Greece or Iceland but with its own unique twists.  I suppose Portugal and Spain are up next...

- It’s the Income Inequality, Stupid….
In Our Man’s brief divergence into politics during the tail-end of last year, we touched on income inequality.  Here are 11 charts that explain it a little further (and also why Our Man sniggers whenever anyone says that the solution to our problems is cutting Corporate Taxes)

- The History of the Honey-trap
Over the last 12-15months, there have been various accusations leveled at China most notably currency manipulation.  However, according to the Times of London leaked documents from MI5 purport that China “bugs and burgles Britain” using some of the oldest methods!

- Some thoughts on Cities 
Our Man is a city person having spent the vast majority of his life in London and New York, and as such he’s quite prone to reading articles about cities.  After all, some think that their core elements just be reduced to equations by physicists.  Elsewhere, others thing they need saving…and that skyscrapers can do it!

- The Adventures of Egglant
While Jersey Shore provides entertainment for us in the US, there’s no doubt that the Japanese are the kings of the reality game show!

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