Monday, December 28
Fingers of Instability & Glimmers of Hope -- An Explanation
So what’s the idea and what does this have to do with investing?
Bak, Teng & Wisenfeld model stems from their investigations into the instability of complex systems, and their discovery was that these systems tended to naturally arrive at a “critical state”, after which any sand grain landing in the wrong spot can start an avalanche. Furthermore, the size of the avalanche is the result of a domino effect – how unstable was where the grain landed, and did the resulting slide cause grains to move over other unstable spots thereby creating more slippages, etc. Clearly the number and size of the “fingers of instability” that are impacted (primarily, and as an after-effect) by that falling grain of sand will play a key role in determining how large the eventual avalanche will be.
Fascinatingly, Bak-Teng-Wisenfeld discovered a mathematical property connecting the number of grains involved in an avalanche and the frequency of an avalanche of that size. Simply put, if you doubled the number of grains involved in an avalanche it becomes about 2.14x as rare. Moreover, the presence of a power law, critical state, and fingers of instability appears to be more widespread; for example, in Ubiquity, Buchanan talks about how similar properties are found in the size of earthquakes, forest fires, scientific paper citations (as a proxy for “new” scientific ideas), deaths in wars & last (but not leastly) stock price fluctuations (though Benoit Mandelbrot deserves a big nod for his works on that specific topic, but Our Man shall leave that for another time).
As such, in an attempt to impose some discipline over his thought process, Our Man hopes to jot down some of the Fingers of Instability (that could drag stock markets downwards) and Glimmers of Hope (that could drag it upwards) to: help him remind himself what he was worried about at the start of each year, to provide a guide of things to keep an eye on during the year, and to look back on in futures and see what he missed & why. It should be noted that these lists are absolutely 100% NOT predictions (it’s a mug’s game) but are things that Our Man is watching out for, worried about, or hoping for – if other people call something a “Black Swan” (something, along with 20-standard deviation events, that Our Man doesn’t believe in) and it’s not on Our Man’s list, he just missed it…
Tuesday, December 22
Portfolio Update
A range also makes more sense to Our Man as it can help balance the two conflicting emotions; a desire to be patient with positions and to give them an opportunity to work, and the ex-post need* to be disciplined in managing risk. Thus by having a range Our Man is able to encapsulate a number of things into his decision such as key support levels (be they moving average related or just psychological round numbers like $1,100) and normal intra-day volatility.
Anyways, in this instance…Gold fell through $1,100 (a psychological round number) and the moving averages (support levels, in the $1,080-$1,090 range), touching and intraday an intra-day low of $1,074. Thus discipline trumps patience and Our Man exited just over half the Gold position at the equivalent of $1,085. The Gold position now represents 8.8% NAV, with the Cash position increasing to 29.5% NAV.
*Note that by "ex-post..." Our Man means the need to be disciplined in managing risk, after the decision to invest has been made. The ex-ante discipline in managing risk should (obviously) be done before making the investment and Our Man's consideration of risk is an important factor in both making the investment AND how the investment is sized.
Friday, December 18
2010 - Year of the Relapse?
They say a picture’s worth a thousand words, so here’s a picture illustrating what I’m talking about:

The government’s response has been simple; keep asset prices up (TARP, liquidity to banks, get rid of mark-to-market, etc), try to get the consumer to spend (and taken on more debt, cash-for-clunkers, first-time high buyers credit, etc) and throw money at the problem (Stimulus). Though you’ll notice very little on debt forgiveness and credit write-downs (though, Our Man supposes HAMP was an attempt at this!), it’s also fair to say that they’ve been very successful so far in producing GDP growth. The questions will come when the support is removed and the baton is passed to the private sector.
For the baton to be passed over smoothly it will almost certainly require the consumer to be willing to take on debt (or at least not reduce debt, and take advantage of lower interest rates to refinance/roll-over debt) and resume over-consuming. However, Our Man’s wager is that the hand-off will not go smoothly, and the Japanese W’s will raise their ugly heads. We may see the first signs of this in asset prices, after February when the FED’s move to single-handedly support the toxic assets is scheduled to be withdrawn.
So either way, Our Man looks at 2010 as the year of the relapse…it’s just a question of whether it’s the economy or the consumer who’s relapsing!
What does this mean for the portfolio; well this core view helps create a starting point and from there Our Man tries to consider the “Glimmers of Hope” and the “Slivers of Instability” that could impact the markets and his book. More on that, next time…
Tuesday, December 15
Mid-Month Update: Waiting for Godot…
So far, December has proved to be a microcosm of the scenario that Our Man fears most; a drifting market. It means, that in the absence of good news, the portfolio quietly bleeds a small amount as Our Man’ negative bets (through puts) quietly burn their theta (time decay), which his equity holdings barely offset this as they drift sideways. As such, the book’s performance is buffeted by the sparring forces of his (overly?) popular position in GLD (Gold) and his (overly?) unpopular position at the long-end of the Treasury curve (TLT). The two positions have combined fairly evenly for almost the entirety of the month-to-date losses and as the numbers below show, death by a thousand cuts never looks pretty…
Our Man’s Current Thoughts:
- TLT: Despite being the largest position in the book, the Treasuries position remains a comfortable one that Our Man would consider adding to in the future. The position reflects the underlying belief that we’re in a deleveraging cycle, as evidenced by the FED’s Commercial/Industrial and Consumer lending data, which will likely prove deflationary despite the FED’s attempts. Additionally, the position would also benefit from any flight to safety away from risky assets (in particular equities).
- GLD: As mentioned when the Gold position was cut-back, it is now a far more popular position than when it was originally put on. As such, Gold has also generated an array of articles from market commentators which run the gamut from “bubble” to “fair value of $6,000+”. Our Man’s thought process remains unchanged; Gold continues to be held firstly as a hedge against bad governance (by the Fed/Treasury), and secondly as a shorter-term momentum/trend play. In November, Our Man noted that he intended to place the equivalent of a rolling stop under 50-67% of the position once gold reached $1,250. While Gold never quite got there, it has retreated to the level where Our Man exited his first slug of his position and currently sits just above its 50-day & 65-day moving averages. Should it break these levels (c$1,080) then Our Man will be exiting at least 50% of the existing position.
On a more general basis, December has shown many of the potential risks that this portfolio could suffer from in 2010:
- How sideways markets will likely lead to small and steady theta burn that goes uncompensated by the equity positions
- How uncertainty over US government debt levels, increased supply of long-term bonds, and a lack of short-medium term clarity on inflation/deflationary trend, and no catalyst for a flight to safety will likely cause bond prices to drift.
- That whether or not Gold is in a bubble, its ride from here is likely to be more volatile…especially as the US-Dollar shows signs of strengthening.
Tuesday, December 1
November Review
November proved to be the strongest month in the portfolio’s short history, with the portfolio rising 6.43%. The portfolio was profitable throughout the month making money in every 5-day rolling period, and during both the strong 1st half of the month for the markets, and the more uncertain 2nd half.
The performance was again driven by the position in GLD (Gold ETF) which contributed over 500bips to the month’s profit following the barbarous metal’s almost 20% rise during the month. The position in L-end Treasuries (through L TLT, and an individual bond) contributed over 150bips as yields continued to tighten. As noted during the mid-month updates, the portfolio’s positioning changed significantly during the month and the new positions proved a small drag on performance.
The portfolio’s positioning is unchanged from the update a couple of days ago.
During December, Our Man hopes to discuss the following issues:
- 2010 Outlook and Positioning
- 2010 Alternative Scenarios
- China, and Our Man’s skepticism of its economic miracle
- Potential Investments that Our Man hopes to build during 2010
Wednesday, November 25
Portfolio Update
42.31% -- L 20Yr+ Treasuries (split almost evenly between TLT, and the 6.125% coupon Aug-29 Treasury Bond)
20.89% -- L GLD
7.43% -- L VBIIX (Vanguard Interm-Term Bond Index)
6.40% -- L THRX
4.02% -- L Restricted Equities (CMTL 1.59%, NWS 1.42%, CRDN 0.81%, SOAP 0.21%)
-4.45% (delta-adjusted) – L SPY Puts (Dec-10, 100 and 85 strikes, 113bips of premium at risk)
-1.74% (delta-adjusted) – L GS Put (Jan-11, 120 strike, 81bips of premium)
Monday, November 23
Portfolio Update
This is an unexpected update and due to a sore neck that Our Man claims is from looking at the soaring markets, it shall be a brief one. Somewhat to OM’s surprise, Mrs. OM has decided that he should be in charge of a more substantial part of their LNW and as such has suggested he take over the rest of their assets in the market. Thankfully, such generosity of spirit does not come with a ban on the words such as Japan, bubble, Minsky, credit contraction, deflation and Treasuries that Our Man has a tendency to throw around, and so unfortunately you will not be spared his ludicrous ideas.
As with all things in life, while the move almost doubles the size of the portfolio it also comes with some downside; in this case, it’s that these assets while predominantly in cash also contain a number of securities, some of which cannot be sold at the current time (due to the constraints that Our Man operates under). However, this is but a minor detail and the assets are expected to be co-mingled and the portfolio reshaped to reflect Our Man’s views immediately.
The timing also allows Our Man to use the moment to introduce some of the new ideas that he’s been considering. The most notable of these is by adding some medium-term high quality bond exposure to the portfolio, by adding some risk exposure to the book but by limiting the directionality of the portfolio by adding a substantial exposure to medium-term downside equity protection (through puts).
It goes without saying that the performance and exposures will include these assets, the moment they are co-mingled within the portfolio. As noted, the incoming assets are primarily in cash but also include the following:
- 1 TIPS Bond
As someone who prattles on about deflation, it’s unsurprising that OM will sell it immediately.
- 2 Intermediate Term Bond funds
Our Man expects to sell one (which holds 40% in pass through mortgage securities!), and substantially increase the size of the other Fund (VBIIX), which holds both Treasuries and Corporate bonds and (ironically) was amongst the list of potential bond funds that OM had been looking at.
- 4 Equity positions
These are positions that OM expects to be restricted from adding/removing from the portfolio (or in 1 case the commission would make it pointless to do so). While none of these names fall into the ideas that OM was considering investing, and add directionality to the book, they also make up a relatively small part of the book (OM estimates <4% style="">
- L THRX (OM doesn’t believe that it will be restricted)
However, it is a position that Our Man knows reasonably well, having done a stock pitch on the name just under a year ago while he was a loafing student, and having encouraged Mrs. OM to purchase it when she was considering adding exposure. Ironically, the stock trades today at almost the exact price that Mrs. OM entered the name (read what you will into that, about OM’s stock-picking ability!) and Our Man is secretly quite pleased to be inheriting this name. The sizing is a little large (6.5% of total assets, estimated), but OM is comfortable with the downside given the heavy equity put-hedge that he intends to apply.
Other portfolio moves that will be made, concurrently:
So far Our Man’s exposure to long-end Treasuries has been through a specific bond; with the need to add to the Treasuries position in order to take long-end Treasuries back up towards 40% of the book, TLT will be added to the portfolio.
- Put Options (SPY and Financial Firm/ETF)
Our Man is largely constrained in expressing his negative views on things except via options (especially since he has no understanding why people with time horizon >1week would invest in Short/Ultrashort ETFs, and have the magic of simple mathematics working against them)
During December, we’ll look a little more closely at what Our Man suspects and fears could happen in 2010. Suffice to say, that it’s not likely the most bullish of views and this is reflected by a heavy put hedge on the portfolio. Our Man intends to buy Dec-10 options on the SPY, with a couple of different strikes (one close to at the money, one out of the money) and to do so now (rather than later/in the New Year) as he’s somewhat more skeptical of a strong run into year-end (potentially in the face of weakening data) than most.
In addition, there will also be a longer-dated option on a Financial Institution/ETF reflecting the belief that the “Credit Crisis” is in hibernation rather than over, and spread to prime mortgages, Option-ARM recasts (rather than resets) and CRE weakness will raise further issues for financial firms in 2010.
The premium is likely to be 2-3% of the total assets.
The Gold position has proved the hardest to decide what to do with; while Our Man would like to add to it (to retain its % of NAV in the book), it seems like it will be somewhat impractical to do so. This a function of the gold price (now $1,170-ish), OM’s desire to run a ‘mental’ stop under the 50%+ of the existing position once it goes through the $1,200-$1,250 barrier, and given the constraints imposed (OM would not be able to trade in it again for at least 1-month). If the last issue wasn’t applicable, Our Man would double the position and continue with his original plan, but given its presence (and the pace at which Gold is moving!) OM is currently leaning (very frustratedly) to forsaking on adding to the GLD position and instead running that mental stop underneath a far smaller part of the resultant position.
Wednesday, November 18
Portfolio Update
But why so?
OM continues to lean towards a deflationary view of the world, and thinks that GLD offers a decent hedge against any and all of bad Fed governance, a weak currency and an EM-style ’sudden-stop’ and as such GLD remains a valuable part of the portfolio (especially given it is anchored around Long-end Treasuries).
However, there are a number of other things to consider, which reflect Our Man’s way of thinking. Conceptually-speaking Our Man doesn’t view his GLD position as 1 position, but rather mentally splits the holding to reflect 3 time horizons (though even this is a simplification, as he tries to view it in 2 dimensions, based on both time horizon and price). Thus he broadly viewed the GLD position as 25-33% short-term (c1-4mos), 33-67% medium-term (c4-12mos) and 10-15% long-term (12mos+). As such, today’s reduction represents the elimination of the original short-term position. When we began this portfolio in early September, gold was trading beneath its March-high but was threatening to break through these highs; hence Our Man thought it was a reasonable opportunity to take a short-term position.
Why sell now?
Firstly, price…gold did indeed breakthrough its March highs, and has continued to climb leading to a tidy profit on the short-term piece. Secondly, it’s a far more popular trade now (Our Man remembers when “activism” started to get viewed as a strategy, rather than as a tool for achieving an objective) and that brings inherent risks with it. Furthermore, Our Man wonders…if everyone believes that Gold is a good hedge against (inflation/bad FED governance/etc) does that mean it’s more likely to fail to behave as one? (He’s certain there’s a smart name for that type of thing, but can’t remember it) or more simply put, is Gold more likely to behave as a good hedge when it’s not widely held and subject to the investment whims, decisions and liabilities of the many holders? Finally, and relatedly, Our Man doesn’t believe in religion (never has, and despite Mrs. OM’s best efforts probably never will) and when he hears many rail with such certainty against fiat currencies and their weaknesses, even though Gold itself’s value is largely dependent on people’s belief in its value rather than its economic value, he cannot help but smile a little skeptically.
What about the rest of the GLD position?
Well, Our Man still believes that Gold has further to run…and would be looking to put in the equivalent of a rolling stop behind the 50-75% of the remaining position, should Gold run through $1,250. Should it fall back, through the March highs, he’s also likely to close out that portion of the holding.
However, things are never so simple and one-dimensional and Our Man also considers the portfolio context. Currently, with just a L TLT/20yr+ Treasury position that is simple, but Our Man has also been investigating adding some new positions to the portfolio both on the Long-side and the short-side (through puts). Should he do so that would impact the amount of market-related risk he would be willing to accept (either negatively, or positively, depending on the other positions)
Portfolio Positioning (cob 11/18/09):
L GLD 37.44%
L 20yr+ Treasuries 39.93%
Cash 22.64%
Disclosure: Long Gold and TLT/Individual 20yr+ Treasuries
Tuesday, November 17
The Plight of the Consumer
As you know, Our Man is a Brit and as such has great respect for the American consumer. In fact, when he was knee-high to a grasshopper his first ever money making scheme was an arbitrage involving American consumers; where he would purchase cans of Coke from his subsidized school shop, before strolling down Church Road to sell them at a hefty premium to the tourists (mainly American) queuing to get into the Wimbledon tennis tournament! As such, he learned at an early age never to underestimate the buying power of the American consumer!
So Our Man fully expected to see credit growth over the last few years but what he hadn’t expected was to see how consistently positive it was. Some random things he discovered by looking at the statistics:
- From 2002 to July 2008 (peak of consumer credit) consumer credit grew at an amazingly steady rate of c5% per annum (with each calendar year falling in between 4.0% to 5.6%). This was positively tepid compared to the previous few years (where it threatened double digit annual growth)
- In the 10-years leading up to July 2008, credit never contracted in any single month. Not one….in 10 years!
- In the 15-years leading up to July 2008 credit contracted in 1 (yes, one) month. October 1998, in case you were curious.
- The longest contraction in consumer credit lasted 20months (Nov-90 to Jun-92) and consumer credit contracted a whopping 2.01% in that time. (It recovered the loss in 9months)
- That 2.01% contraction was the largest contraction since the end of World War 2 (until the 2008 peak).
- The current contract has lasted 14months, and credit has contracted by 4.87% in that time and hasn’t showed much sign of slowing (3.92% annualized over the last quarter, including August’s C4C impact, and almost 7% annualized last month).
And here are some self-explanatory charts and graphs:
Consumer Credit

So how does this fit in with Our Man’s thinking?
Well, he assumes that the last few years have seen a negative wealth effect for Mr. & Mrs. Consumer given the likely impact on their home price and investments. Now, as well as the increased prospect of unemployment, they are also seeing their access to credit financing is being diminished not to mention higher credit card rates (per Rasmussen, 50% have seen increased rates in the last 6months). What are Mr. & Mrs. Consumer to do? Well, Our Man’s thinking is if…and it’s a big if...they are rational, we should see Mr. & Mrs. Consumer choose to pay down their credit balances (and its 20% interest rate) and start to save a little for their impending retirement, rather than splurge it on a (final?) Christmas shopping binge. This broad thesis is, amongst a number of other reasons, why Our Man is quite comfortable with his large Long TLT/Long-end Treasuries position. That slowly, despite the government’s best efforts and bribes, saving will become the new consumption and (given Mr. & Mrs. Consumer’s age) income will become the new capital gain. However, Our Man is wary of the American consumer…and as such, you will find him each month checking in with the FED to see that Mr. & Mrs. Consumer’s credit is declining (and quarterly to check-in on their savings).
Saturday, November 7
Bubbles, Bubbles, Everywhere...
Well, while not a professional economist, Our Man does have the benefit of having spent his undergraduate years studying that dark art and one of the few things he still remembers is the importance of multipliers. While this may seem a like tangential path that we are wandering, all will become clear…
The Technology Bubble and the Real-Estate bubbles of the last decade were transported to the real economy where they were able to percolate and spread due to multipliers; through Technology’s impact on corporate productivity, costs and profitability and through Real Estate’s impact on consumers perceived wealth (Home Equity = ATM). But how does this tie in with OM’s view of deflation and Commercial Lending?
Well OM’s belief in deflation is two-fold: that we are in a secular debt reduction phase and that these multiplier effects which extended the previous bubbles don’t exist in the current one. Or more accurately, that the most likely transition mechanism…that of Banks lending to real businesses is broken (and likely, if we’re in a secular deleveraging cycle as OM purports, to remain that way). And how better to see if this viewpoint has merit, than to check-in with the FED…and so that is what we shall do.

- Credit seemed to grow steadily from the mid-1970’s to 2001 at about 9% per year, before increasing its rate of growth to 15%+ in the 4-5 years leading to the 2008.
- It appears, with the caveat of limited data, that credit expansion cycles appear to have shortened though contractions haven’t.
- This contraction is noticeably more violent than any preceding contractions.
Our Man thinks these points can be instructive in the debate.
Firstly, it is clear that the FED’s quantitative easing hasn’t resulted in a smoothing of the credit contraction (i.e. banks didn’t take the FEDs money and go out and lend it) though given the weakness of the banking system, this should come as no surprise. That said, if the FED’s quantitative easing results in a quicker and prolonged up-turn in Commercial & Industrial Lending there is the potential to reinflate the economy, and we shall all live happily ever after with only the fear of inflation (which we have an existing toolset to control) before us.
However, what if the FED’s easy money policy solely succeeds in encouraging speculation in the markets but fails to transition to the real economy? What if that multiplier isn’t there? A stock-market bubble perhaps, but one with a shorter life…
And that’s without even considering the consequences of a structural, as opposed to cyclical, decline in debt, the weakness of the consumer & unemployment, and OM’s skepticism on China (bubbles, bubbles, everywhere).
Monday, November 2
Broad things that Our Man is pondering
Our Man is by nature a cynic, and hence considers himself more the Risk Officer of this PA portfolio than the Investment Officer, and has a primary focus on protection of capital rather than stellar returns. Below are the things he’s been pondering in his free-time; some of which he hopes to jot his thoughts (and analysis) down on in greater detail at some point…
- Commercial Lending & Consumer Lending
Our Man is a believer that inflation is not the primary threat, and that this is a balance sheet recession leading to deflation. Thus he makes sure to check in with the FED and purview the Consumer Credit (G.19) numbers and the Commercial Banks’ Commercial & Industrial Lending (H.8) numbers. Expect to see something in greater detail on those figures this week, but **Spoiler alert** a pretty picture they do not paint.
- Is everyone Long, despite their protestations, but with stops underneath their positions?
With Mutual Fund world getting to (or at) their year-ends, is there any incentive for managers to take risk? Our Man speaks to a bunch of people in the hedge fund world; some believe in the sustainability of the recovery, some believe that China will pull everyone along, and some are just skeptical. However, the significant majority seem to be Long risk assets in some way, be they domestic or international equities or just commodity-related (and a decent number are S the Dollar). Does that mean that there's the mother of all correlated trades on at the moment and that with the incentive for seemingly everyone to protect their performance numbers this year, that if we pull-back enough to start triggering all those stops (be they mental or actual), will we find a vacuum of buyers underneath…
- Does the make-up of GDP matter?
In the wake of the over-analysis of the US GDP’s figures and the celebration surrounding China’s GDP numbers, there’s been a spate of commentary on how Chinese stimulus is focused on investment and isn’t that clever. Is it or is this just looking at China through American eyes? Are they just doing the Chinese equivalent of the US; reinforcing their existing problems…
- Bankruptcies – does anyone care?
Given the role that Archstone-Smith, and MBS, had in Lehman collapsing will bankruptcies have broader implications? Does Capmark filing 2 weekend matters, or CIT? Will Stuyvesant Town, if it runs out of cash around year-end? If so, how long do their effects take to percolate?
- Commercial RE death spirals?
OM spent some of his early career looking at folks who traded convertible bonds and while they both never appreciated his nosiness and couldn’t help him learn more than 4 words of Greek, they did acquaint him with death spiral convertible bonds. Now as a reluctant apartment owner (damn you and your conventionality, Mrs. OM!) he was recently reminded about the undesirable impact of foreclosed homes in ones neighborhood (or an apartment in one’s building, as it were). While most of Our Man’s short-medium term value from his abode is derived it being a roof over his head this isn’t the case in Commercial Real Estate. And so OM has been thinking about what happens when that almost identical but nearly vacant building next door is foreclosed and sold to someone who will have smaller mortgage payments? Does it create a death spiral for the almost homogeneous buildings nearby?
- Population pyramids
They are pretty cool, and Our Man has used them very broadly to help think about investing. Now he intends to find out if they can help as a (very) long-term investment screen.