
Saturday, July 30

BREXIT and Power to the People

As noted, Our Man wasn’t particularly shocked by the Brexit result and given there have been numerous post-mortems, Our Man’s going to limit his thoughts. 

It seems pretty clear that “Leave” ran a much better campaign than “Remain”, starting off with just having a better and more productive name.  Strategically Leave had three prongs, (i) Sovereignty, (ii) Immigration, and (iii) Anti-status quo (and with the major parties both on the Remain side, status-quo has a wider scope than normal, i.e. politics/politicians/bureaucrats/etc); while immigration got all the attention (especially from the press and Remain campaign), sovereignty was much more important.  On the other hand, the Remain campaign’s strategy was primarily driven by the economic cost of leaving the EU (with a nod to apparent strategic benefits of being a member, which were never fully articulated).  The largest flaw in this being that using economic fear (even if justified) has a diminished impact, when the same population (if not electorate) have been exposed to it as the primary weapon in votes in 2014 (in the Scottish referendum) and 2015 (in the General Election).  People don’t have to be economic experts to figure out either (i) the world can only end so many times, or (ii) if the economy is so fragile that Scotland leaving/Labour getting into power/Brexit can each individually crash it, then there will be something else soon enough is Brexit is avoided.  Finally, on a tactical basis “Leave” had better leadership (say what you want about Boris/Gove and their behavior, but everyone knew who to listen to as opposed to Cameron/Osbourne’s the world is ending again, and Corbyn’s errr…errr…exactly) and a simple effective slogan (“Take Back Control”) that meant different things to different people (like Obama’s “Yes, We Can”, and Trump’s “Make America Great Again” – it’s hard to take the opposite side of a good slogan!).

While the campaign matters, the structural setting for a Leave vote was in place; it is readily apparent (to OM, at least) that there is the widespread popular discontent (be it in Greece, Spain, France, the UK and US) with the range of political choice offered and their policy prescriptions.  The widespread nature of this discontent is I think better understood by the population than by the political (and elite) class, and the attempts to ascribe it solely to immigration (more of a symptom) is reflective of this.   The lack of willingness to investigate and understand this discontent has helped create the opportunity for the populist characters on the left and right like Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage, Bernie Saunders and Donald Trump.  Furthermore, the complacency shown by the major parties as these characters rose (due to their low quality and general incoherence), and still being shown towards Mr. Trump, reflects how badly the political class are underestimating the underlying message.  Finally, the distorting impact of QE on inequality and corporate incentives, has only added fuel to the fire of that dissatisfaction. 

That this manifested itself in a vote for Brexit, seemingly aided by stalwart Labour areas in England, should not come as a surprise.  For the last generation, as globalization and with it free trade and free movement of capital (with its negative impact on tax bases) have swept across the globe, the policy prescription has been to increase welfare to deal with the uneven impact.  Now however, the costs of welfare are becoming prohibitive both financially (on government budgets) and in terms of lost productivity.  While welfare is necessary, and one can easily understand how data and economic models suggest it is the best approach, Our Man suspects that likely reveals more about the models, and their over-valuation of the short-term than anything.  The extremes of the welfare state help foster a culture of dependency and while transfer payments help people live their lives, it constrains them to ones that are harder to develop meaning and self-respect.  Furthermore, on an economy-wide basis, it helps undermine productivity through the lost skills (and lack of development of new ones) limiting the economy’s potential.  In the fullness of time and with the repeated prescriptions of the same solution, these micro and macro factors swamp the easy fix of a cash transfer.

Finally, it is said that history rhymes, rather than repeats, and to that end Our Man has been surprised at the lack of mention of Britain’s exit from the gold standard in 1931.  After all, following 6yrs of austerity back then, Britain was the first country to come off the gold standard and its departure came after a naval mutiny (Invergordon revolt), which caused market panic and the Pound fell 25% in the aftermath!   Inevitably, it was deemed at the time to be sacrilege to leave the Gold standard, a tragic mistake from which the country would never recover and one that would doom London's financial centre.  Of course, it proved not to be in part due to the huge stimulus from that devaluation and within 2 years (1933) most other countries had followed Britain’s lead and left the Gold standard.

Now of course, we’ve just had 6yrs of austerity (Chancellor Osborne's first austerity budget was July 2010), and Britain voted to become the first country to leave the EU delivered by a different mutiny (the 2.8mn non-voters who delivered Brexit).  It too has caused market panic (albeit briefly), and (so far) the Pound has fallen 15% in the aftermath!   It’s also being called a tragic mistake, against the perceived wisdom of the day and London's financial centre is doomed.  Time will tell how different ending the UK will have this time…

Our Man, will return shortly, with some things he thinks in the aftermath of Brexit…

Friday, July 15

2016: Second Quarter Review

Portfolio Update  
- Equity:  Our Man finally managed to exit the Dr. Reddy’s (RDY) position late in the quarter, for a very marginal profit.

- Currencies: Midway through the quarter, after the strong rally in the Euro, Our Man added substantially to the S Euro position.

Performance and Review   
The second quarter proved far more generous than the first, with the portfolio rising +4.54%, leaving it -0.6% YTD.

The performance was primarily driven by the Precious Metals (+301bps) positions.  While both Gold (GLD, +27bps) and Silver (SLV, +68bps) contributed, it was the exposure to the Gold Miners (+207bps) that made the difference.  Our Man was too early into the Precious Metals positions in 2015, but the positions have more than recouped those losses and provided a healthy gain over 2015/2016.  The strong performance of the Precious Metals book (along with the Dollar strength, especially versus the Euro) meant that Our Man's portfolio was quite profitable in the days following ‘Brexit’.

The Equity book (-17bps) posted a small loss, as VIPS continues to work through its issues and the stock is between investor bases; while cheap (Internet company at less than 20x PE) and growing (40%+ p.a.), it’s also seen its growth slow from 100%+ p.a. and so is transitioning from being held by growth investors to more value-orientated ones.  The International book (+126bps) performed well, led by Pampa Energie (PAM).   Argentina continues to be the gift that keeps on giving – the pace of Macri’s reforms continues unabated, and MSCI moved the country to the watch-list for possible inclusion in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.  

Finally, the Long Dollar positions were profitable with the China Thesis (+3bps) and the Currencies book (+41bps) generating returns as the dollar strengthened slightly against the Aussie Dollar and especially the Euro (post-Brexit).

Portfolio (as at 06/30 - all delta and leverage adjusted, as appropriate) 
16.1% - International/Country (GVAL, and Argentinian names)
14.4% - Precious Metals (GDX, GLD and SLV)
2.6% - Equities (VIPS)

-1.7% - China-Related Thesis (CROC – Short Australian Dollar)
-32.5% - Currencies (EUO – Short Euro)

49.8% - Cash  

Disclaimer:  For added clarity, Our Man is invested in all of the securities mentioned.  He also holds some cash and a few other securities (of negligible value).  You should not buy any of these securities because Our Man has mentioned them, but should do your own work and decide what’s best for you.

Friday, July 8

Things from my Google Reader; 2016 Part I

It’s been an exceptionally long-time since Our Man posted a “Things from my Google Reader”, so here’s a bumper edition.  Hopefully, the wait will not be so long in the future!

- The Spy Behind the Plane that Saved Britain 
In the skies over Britain in 1940 the Spitfire turned the tide against the Nazis, but only a handful of people knew that it owed its edge to secrets cribbed from Germany.  (Clive Irving, the Daily Beast)

- The FBI vs FIFA 
Football is the world’s game, and it wasn’t exactly a secret that FIFA, the governing body, was corrupt.  Yet, it took the Americans to get the sport to start to clean up its act – maybe we should start calling it ‘soccer’ out of gratitude!   Just kidding!  But here’s ESPN with the in-depth story about how the FBI brought down FIFA! (Shaun Assael & Brett Forrest, with Vivek Chaudhary, at ESPN)

- What the iPhone has done to cameras is completely insane 
 File this one under things you know, but are still stunning to see (especially in graphical form).  How badly do you think camera sales fell, following the iPhone’s introduction in 2007?  Roberto Ferdman looks into it, and it’s uglier than you thought (well, uglier than OM thought at least).  (Roberto Ferdman, Washington Post).

- Taxi, Uber and Lyft usage in NYC 
The TLC provides regular usage data, and Todd Schneider made life easier by collating it all and taking a look.  You know what to expect, but seeing it in graphical form always helps confirm things; Uber up, taxis down, Lyft still trying.   (Todd W. Schneider, at his eponymous blog)

- Will self-driving cars lead to grade-separated cities? 
What will real self-driving cars (think more the Google version than the fake Tesla version) mean for cities?  Well, the folks at MIT’s Sensable City Lab had a look at the future of traffic lights, and predict their days may be numbered.

 It’s been the biggest thing in Our Man’s homeland since sliced bread, and though the world hasn’t (yet) ended it’s certainly been shaken up.  Rest assured, Our Man has lots of thoughts on Brexit and related things, but you’re likely to be saved from most of them (though Our Man probably won’t be able to resist writing one post, and no more, on the subject).   In the meantime, here are some of the few things Our Man has actually found worth reading on Brexit (and related things) in the aftermath.

- Calm Down: The Brexit Result is not a 21st-centurySarajevo 
For those worrying about Armageddon, hopefully reading this helps you back away from the ledge.  (David McWilliams, Irish Independent)

- Evolution not Revolution 
While newspapers & politicians want to talk about about immigration, the date indicates it was 'sovereignty' that drove the Leave vote.   Ideally, this should inform the British negotiations, and the Adam Smith Institute make the case for the EEA option.  (Adam Smith Institute)

- The 2.8million Non-voters who Delivered Brexit 
An interesting analysis of where the polling went wrong (spoiler alert: turnout models) and the large cohort of ‘new’ voters that it largely missed.  Ascertaining who they are isn’t the hard part, but what do they want and will they vote again is much harder?   Secretary Clinton better hope that Donald Trump isn’t as successful at finding them.  (Matt Singh, Bloomberg…though he’s normally found at the excellent Number Cruncher Politics) 

- Brexit: A disaster decades in the making 
You do not have to agree with the author’s viewpoint (that it’s a disaster) to appreciate that there’s some really good stuff in here about the long-term issues that led to the lack of trust/faith/etc in the establishment (and both major political parties). (Gary Younge, Guardian)

- How Remain Failed: the inside story of a doomed campaign
- How David Cameron blew it 
It wouldn’t be a political campaign, without the post-mortems…after all mistakes were made and there's more than enough blame to go around!  (Rafael Behr, Guardian and a number of folks at, respectively)